Sunday, January 11, 2009

Compassion Fatigue

I went to a "Compassion Fatigue" class today. I learned (no surprise) I am suffering from Compassion Fatique and ERS (Euthanasia Related Stress). These are unique to those of us who participate in animal shelter euthanasia. No other caregiving occupation or profession euthanizes there patients. We rescue them and then (all to often) we "kill" them. We are forced by the circumstances of our job to act contrary to our conscience or moral code.

I also learned "It is easier to make a living than to make a difference"
and "If you don't have passion for your work, find another job" (Tom Brokaw)

I am trying to remember that I am making a difference-even though it might be small.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Snow and my birds